Ah the memories....
Peter Morgan.. he was the bald guy with the wierd diet, due to some strange illness. i had a lot of time for him as he took the time out to help me in a difficult period. Came to our house for dinner and only ate some museli and water type thing.
John Flack... he could be talking about the most irrelevant Watchtower Drivel and make it sound like the sonnets of shakespeare so good he was at public speaking. He was a pleasure to listen to.
David Carter? Wasnt he the one who looked and acted a bit like the actor Robert Moreley? He used to ask the audience questions directly from the platform of the Circuit Assembly, although no one could here any answers as no mics were provided at the cct assemblies. Quite a comedian and i seem to remember him having Hamilton Town Hall in fits of laughter with his banter in the late 80's,
Ray Midgely.. & Gordon Webb (where to start) came along to Lanarkshire no.1 in 1980/81 as the fallout from Brooklyn over the Franz Incidnent began to be felt worldwide. They cracked the Watchtower whip very hard and my gullible step father then aspiring to be an elder brown nosed them the whole way and didnt i pay the price in his desire to run a 'Theocratic' household. Thank you the pair of you for contributing in no small measure to the hell i live in in the early mid 80's. Ray in particular who embarrassed me totally at a door in Strathaven when a scantily dressed female answered the door and he asked me if it gave me any urges.... in front of the poor woman! W*nkers the pair of them.
Alistair Campbell... a true gent... large man with very 1970's glasses who used to be missionary in south america. showed the local elders up and came to my wedding with my wifes disfellowhsipped sister attending and thumbed his nose at the whole shower of twats in EAST KILBRIDE WHITEHILL CONG who thought they would play the WT 15/09/81 card and all be good boys and stay away.Alistair was 10 times the man any of you lot were and to this day although I havent the time of day for the Watchtower I have nothing but praise for him when he came up to the front of the KH after my wife and I were married and wished us all the best and gave a nod to my new DF sister in law.
Chris Thompson... dull boring and unimaginative. Yes he was from Anglia and came and went in one sitting summer of 1985.
This thread brought back a lot of strange memories... pleasant unpleasant and plain weird!